I want to insert about 50,000 mysql query for 'insert' in mysql db,for this i have 2 options, 1- Directly import the (.sql) file:Following error is occur " You probably tried to upload too large file. Please refer to documentation for ways to workaround this limit. "2- Use php code to insert these queries in form of different chunks from the (.sql) file.here is my code:\[code\]<?php// Configure DBinclude "config.php";// Get file data$file = file('country.txt'); // Set pointers & position variables$position = 0;$eof = 0; while ($eof < sizeof($file)){ for ($i = $position; $i < ($position + 2); $i++) { if ($i < sizeof($file)) { $flag = mysql_query($file[$i]); if (isset($flag)) { echo "Insert Successfully<br />"; $position++; } else { echo mysql_error() . "<br>\n"; } } else { echo "<br />End of File"; break; } } $eof++;}?>\[/code\]But memory size error is occur however i have extend memory limit from 128M to 256M or even 512M.Then i think that if i could be able to load a limited rows from (.sql) file like 1000 at a time and execute mysql query then it may be import all records from file to db.But here i dont have any idea for how to handle file start location to end and how can i update the start and end location, so that it will not fetch the previously fetched rows from .sql file.