Import Forum Structure ONLY


New Member
Okay... I have a back up of my old forum. I'm tryingto import the forum structure only (ie... forum names, which forum parent subs, etc.)

I use vb_ as my prefix so I imported the table called vb_forums.

Am I missing a table to import? Any have the specifics on a working process??

I dont care or want the old threads. I just have no desire to go through setting up the over all forum structure (parenting and making forums children). That was the most tedious part of creating the forum and I just want to skip it if possible while building the site again.

Not sure how you're trying to import it, but the table is called "forum" rather than "forums" and it needs to have the same prefix as what is specified in the options of you're new install. For example, if your new tables have no prefix, and you import a table called vb_forum, it's going to be ignored.