Implimenting a page in a page?


I'm curious if there's a way I can impliment a page within a page with means OTHER than using frames.<br />
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For example let's say I'd like to make a page (my_page.html), and in the center of the page I'd like a box containing another website in it (other_page.html). So when visitors view mypage.html, they will see my actual page content, but there will also be a box on the page - which myotherpage.html can be viewed from and used from. <br />
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Is there any way to do this not using frames?<!--content-->There are 2 and a half options as far as I know...<br />
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1, as you mentioned, frames or I frame, which would be the easiest route.<br />
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2, Using CSS 2.0, which will leave you high and dry as not all browsers support CSS 2.0 yet.<br />
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2.5, using INSERTS in ASP might help you out if you want to avoid frames all together... but this strictly won't be a page in a page.<!--content-->Try this<br />
<object type="text/html" width="400" height="300" data="other_page.html"></object><br />
It acts like an iframe, but isn't.<!--content-->