I'm new to Spring Tools Suite 3 and I'm trying to implement XSLT view. So far I've only made this changes:servlet-context.xml\[code\]<bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.xslt.XsltViewResolver"> <property name="prefix" value="http://stackoverflow.com/WEB-INF/views/" /> <property name="suffix" value="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12338113/.xsl" /></bean>\[/code\]Controller.java\[code\]@Controllerpublic class HomeController{@RequestMapping(value = "http://stackoverflow.com/", method = RequestMethod.GET)public String home(HttpSession session, Model model){ return "home";}}\[/code\]My question is how to create XML data source and pass it to XSLT? I would like to see code example.