New Member
Hi Guys<BR><BR>I am trying to implement a simple treeview server control on an page (just a sample) I have downloaded a couple of dlls to do with Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls and made them available to the app in a bin folder in IIS. All that is on the aspx page is this:<BR><BR><%@ import namespace="Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls" %><BR><%@ register TagPrefix="mytree" <BR>Namespace="Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls" <BR>Assembly ="Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls" %><BR><BR> <HEAD><BR></HEAD><BR><body><BR><form id="myform" runat="server"><BR><mytree:treeview runat="server" ChildType="Folder" ID="Treeview1"><BR> <mytree:treenodetype Type="Folder" ExpandedImageUrl="./images/folderopen.gif" ImageUrl="./images/folder.gif" /><BR> <mytree:treenode Text="Michigan"><BR> <mytree:treenode Text="Detroit" /><BR> <mytree:treenode Text="Farmington" /><BR> <mytree:treenode Text="Southfield" /><BR> </mytree:treenode><BR> <mytree:treenode Text="Washington" ><BR> <mytree:treenode Text="Bellevue" /><BR> <mytree:treenode Text="Redmond" /><BR> <mytree:treenode Text="Woodinville" /><BR> </mytree:treenode><BR></mytree:treeview><BR></form> <BR></body><BR><BR>which is a sample from MSDN. When I try and view the page in a browser I just get the nodes of the tree in a line - like the browser is ignoring the tags. Any ideas? If you hadn't guessed I am a newbie to ASP.NET but have been coding ASP for a while.<BR><BR>Thanks for your help<BR><BR>DanI'm in unknown territory here and I need to know how to implement these properly...<BR><BR>Thanks<BR><BR>Dan