Implementing Timetable System


Staff member
I want to implement timetable system that give the teacher the ability to
manage the scheduling of classes ,and also the system should know the
reservist teacher for each classthis may not be the best solution, but I think should be enough to get you start:

create 2 tables on ur database: teacher, schedule

teacher table:
id (small int)
name (small txt)
isreservist (bit)

schedule table: (suppose school hrs start from 8am-4pm)
id (small int)
linkID (small int) <-- this will be same ID as teacher table
8am (bit) default 0
9am (bit) default 0
10am (bit) default 0
11am (bit) default 0
12 (bit) default 0
1pm (bit) default 0
2pm (bit) default 0
3pm (bit) default 0
4pm (bit) default 0

on ur .net application, create a object (lets call teachAdmin)
it should carry the following methods:
1) insert teacher --allow u write stuff to both tables
2) getTeacher -- allow retreieve schedule information with given ID
3) getHrs(string time) -- allow retreieve array string of teacher who works in those given hrs
