I have a vert simple website. There is a main page with a search box that sends info to a second page that returns results based on the input. So, it's a two page setup. I want some sort of loading indictor between that first page and the second. So while the second page is processing, after the text has been entered into the search box and the user hits return, I want there to be a little loading sinner. The best way I have found so far to simply, and easily do this, is with spin.js. I am totally new to programming of this level, though, and am at a total loss as to how to actually get the thing working with my site. Any pointers for how I should be doing this, or where I should be starting? This is the code I have for the search box now:\[code\]div id="moviesearch" align=center><form id="search" action="index.php" method="post" class="form-wrapper cf"> <input name="movie_name" id ="moviesearchinput" type="text" placeholder="Search for a movie..." required> </form></div>\[/code\]