I would appreciate any assistance with techniques/ strategies to implement the scenario below:
1. SQL Database has a Customer table with some fields.2. User is allowed to add additional custom fields and specify the data type and some rules such as value is required etc. 3. When the user loads the user interface, these custom fields need to appear as any other standard field with validation on the field. 4. When the user saves the changes, the values in these custom fields need to be saved to the databaseTechnology
We are still in the design phase - so open to all suggestions. But skillset is mainly in SQL, ASP.Net webformsQuestion
1. What is the best way to achieve item 2 above - a separate table that stores TableName, FieldName, DataType, Rules etc? Any feedback would be appreciated.
2. What is the best way to achieve items 3 and 4 above - I have been reading up on Dynamic Data, Data Annotations etc. All look promising, but I am unsure about the full extent to which these can be utilized to solve our problem.Once again, appreciate any assistance in helping us come up with a good design.
1. SQL Database has a Customer table with some fields.2. User is allowed to add additional custom fields and specify the data type and some rules such as value is required etc. 3. When the user loads the user interface, these custom fields need to appear as any other standard field with validation on the field. 4. When the user saves the changes, the values in these custom fields need to be saved to the databaseTechnology
We are still in the design phase - so open to all suggestions. But skillset is mainly in SQL, ASP.Net webformsQuestion
1. What is the best way to achieve item 2 above - a separate table that stores TableName, FieldName, DataType, Rules etc? Any feedback would be appreciated.
2. What is the best way to achieve items 3 and 4 above - I have been reading up on Dynamic Data, Data Annotations etc. All look promising, but I am unsure about the full extent to which these can be utilized to solve our problem.Once again, appreciate any assistance in helping us come up with a good design.