I Get This error when run
Check and update database
that the error i get
Possiablly custom tables or incorrect prefix :
adminlog NOT found.
adminoptions NOT found.
announcements NOT found.
attachments NOT found.
attachtypes NOT found.
awaitingactivation NOT found.
badwords NOT found.
banned NOT found.
events NOT found.
favorites NOT found.
forumpermissions NOT found.
forums NOT found.
forumsubscriptions NOT found.
helpdocs NOT found.
helpsections NOT found.
icons NOT found.
moderatorlog NOT found.
moderators NOT found.
polls NOT found.
pollvotes NOT found.
posts NOT found.
privatemessages NOT found.
profilefields NOT found.
regimages NOT found.
reportedposts NOT found.
reputation NOT found.
searchlog NOT found.
settinggroups NOT found.
settings NOT found.
smilies NOT found.
templates NOT found.
templatesets NOT found.
themes NOT found.
threadratings NOT found.
threads NOT found.
threadsread NOT found.
userfields NOT found.
usergroups NOT found.
users NOT found.
usertitles NOT found.
If you have all red tables, i.e. none correct this could possible be your table prefix :
# mybb_
Failed Check database permissions and connection, or table prefix to ensure its correct.
Check and update database
that the error i get
Possiablly custom tables or incorrect prefix :
adminlog NOT found.
adminoptions NOT found.
announcements NOT found.
attachments NOT found.
attachtypes NOT found.
awaitingactivation NOT found.
badwords NOT found.
banned NOT found.
events NOT found.
favorites NOT found.
forumpermissions NOT found.
forums NOT found.
forumsubscriptions NOT found.
helpdocs NOT found.
helpsections NOT found.
icons NOT found.
moderatorlog NOT found.
moderators NOT found.
polls NOT found.
pollvotes NOT found.
posts NOT found.
privatemessages NOT found.
profilefields NOT found.
regimages NOT found.
reportedposts NOT found.
reputation NOT found.
searchlog NOT found.
settinggroups NOT found.
settings NOT found.
smilies NOT found.
templates NOT found.
templatesets NOT found.
themes NOT found.
threadratings NOT found.
threads NOT found.
threadsread NOT found.
userfields NOT found.
usergroups NOT found.
users NOT found.
usertitles NOT found.
If you have all red tables, i.e. none correct this could possible be your table prefix :
# mybb_
Failed Check database permissions and connection, or table prefix to ensure its correct.