IMG with surrounding text and some font beneath text


Hello:<br />
I would like to have an image and beneath the image some text. Text that belongs to the image and then some surrounding text that goes from the image down. <br />
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Here is a link of what I want. But the only thing that changes is to add a text to the bottom of the image. <br />
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Link (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... mples.html</a><!-- m -->)<br />
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The code I need is <br />
<IMG SRC="testicon.gif" ALT="[Test image]" <br />
ALIGN=LEFT> Here is some text related to the test image. <br> <br />
It is not very interesting, but should show how the <br />
text is wrapped around the image given the <br clear="left"><br />
ALIGN=leftcalignment attribute. . Note how the element<br />
<br clear="left"> clears the flow of text to fall after the image.<br />
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Just stays the same only that I need some text beneath the image. <br />
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Thanks<!--content-->I'm not really sure what you're asking for, so I'm just going to take a wild stab in the dark and ask if it's this?<!--content-->Thanks but I need the same thing with some description of beneath the photo. As the attached file.<!--content-->Like this then:<!--content-->Cool, thanks.<br />
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I'm wondering how it works. I'm studying your code right now. <br />
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Can you give me a brief explanation on it? Anyway I'm wondering what the float means.<!--content-->I got it, I just started playing with the float and I saw what it does.<br />
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:D<!--content-->Looks like I was a little late on this one. If you ever wonder what something does, get rid of it and see what happens.<br />
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float:left moves the image to the left and lets other stuff run down the right hand side.<!--content-->