Img from hard drive?


Staff member
When I create anotepad document for an image from the hard drive it doesnt work, <br />
here is the code<br />
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<img src="N:\my work\Scott Barton.jpg"><br />
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And i was woundring why it doesnt work. <br />
Please help<br />
(school computers)<br />
Ive also now tried <br />
<img src="/my work/Scott Barton.jpg"><!--content-->Hi Scottydog<br />
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OK i am not quite sure i understand what you are trying to acheive, if it is how to link to an image then that code is correct however if you are adding that peice of code to a webpage it would not work because you need to upload the picture to your webspace and referance it there instead of on your hard drive.<br />
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Hope this makes sense if you can explain yourself a little more then maybe you will get a better answer.<!--content-->i was just trying to use it in notepad and it still dosnt seem to work off the hard disk file when I load up the page.<br />
Any thing you can enlighten me on this or willi have to get the file and upload it and just use it off the net any way??<!--content-->It's ok now there was something wrong with the computer damn school computers lol :D:D<!--content-->Yeah, school computers are bull.<!--content-->Originally posted by PhantomPhil <br />
Yeah, school computers are bull. <br />
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They sure are, hehe they are so crap this morning i was logged in as admin but under my name lol, <br />
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Some of the stuff they have on their computers lol. <br />
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But it works now s im happy :D:D<!--content-->*Lol*<br />
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And they think they are secure but there easy to hack. For instance typing a word into Microsoft Word then hyperlinking it to // or //data gets you in pretty easy!!<!--content-->