IMDB Generator

the files were updates on hence the request

the date on the vbteam post now is 06-02-2009

the files were update on on the 05 Jun 2009 as well as some of the code and seen as how i am having an error on mine i put the request up.
Click Install Please.

What is this plugin for?

This plugin makes it possible to show data from IMDB Movie Database using the movie ID with a BBCode.

As far as I know many users were looking for a plugin something like this which pulls data from IMDB and shows directly in the post.

This plugin uses a script which is contributed under GPL. However, a big part of the system was rewritten and a lot of coding were done to integrate both systems.

Plugin Pulls these movie information:
- Contry (Lite)
- Genre (Lite)
- Time (Lite)
- Language (Lite)
- Director (Lite)
- Cast (Lite)
- Description (Advanced Version)
- IMDB Score (Advanced Version)
- Thumbnail Picture (Advanced Version)

Requirements: Your host must have allow_url_fopen = on

How To Install:

Extract the file and upload the product-imdb_tags_hack.xml from your admincp;

Import XML file (as product):
AdminCP > Plugin System > Manage Products > [Add/Import Product]

::STEP 1::
Upload the imdb folder and the imdb.php file into your forum root directory. Upload the imdb.gif into images/editor. If you are using an individual style you may upload it to your_syles_image_folder/editor

::STEP 2::
Chance the CHMOOD permisson of imdb/cache and imdb/images to 777

::STEP 3::
In your "forum/includes" directory, open the PHP file called: "class_bbcode.php"

Find This:

[LEFT] 	[color=#000000] [COLOR=#0000BB][/color][COLOR=#FF8000]/**
    * Handles the parsing of a signature picture. Most of this is handled
    * based on the $parse_userinfo member.
    * @param    string    Description for the sig pic
    * @return    string    HTML representation of the sig pic
[/COLOR][color=#0000BB][/color] [/COLOR]  	[/LEFT]

Add Below This:

[LEFT] 	[color=#000000] [COLOR=#0000BB][/color][COLOR=#FF8000]/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
// Start ÝMDB_TAGS_HACKS: Melih Buyuk
    [/COLOR][color=#007700]function [/color][color=#0000BB]handle_bbcode_imdb[/color][color=#007700]([/color][color=#0000BB]$texto[/color][color=#007700]=[/color][color=#DD0000]""[/color][COLOR=#007700])
        if ([/COLOR][color=#0000BB]$texto [/color][color=#007700]== [/color][color=#DD0000]""[/color][COLOR=#007700]) return;

        [/COLOR][color=#0000BB]$idfilme [/color][color=#007700]= [/color][color=#0000BB]preg_replace[/color][color=#007700]([/color][color=#DD0000]'/[^0-9]/i'[/color][color=#007700],[/color][color=#DD0000]"\\1"[/color][color=#007700],[/color][color=#0000BB]$texto[/color][COLOR=#007700]); 

        eval([/COLOR][color=#DD0000]'$text = "' [/color][color=#007700]. [/color][color=#0000BB]fetch_template[/color][color=#007700]([/color][color=#DD0000]'imdb'[/color][color=#007700]) . [/color][color=#DD0000]'";'[/color][COLOR=#007700]);
        return [/COLOR][color=#0000BB]$text[/color][COLOR=#007700];
// End ÝMDB_TAGS_HACKS: Melih Buyuk
[/COLOR][color=#0000BB][/color] [/COLOR]  	[/LEFT]

::STEP 4::

Open the template in your admincp called: editor_toolbar_on

Find This Code:

[LEFT] 	[color=#000000] [COLOR=#0000BB][/color][color=#007700]<[/color][color=#0000BB]td[/color][color=#007700]><[/color][color=#0000BB]div [/color][color=#007700]class=[/color][color=#DD0000]"imagebutton" [/color][color=#0000BB]id[/color][color=#007700]=[/color][color=#DD0000]"{$editorid}_cmd_wrap0_html"[/color][color=#007700]><[/color][color=#0000BB]img src[/color][color=#007700]=[/color][color=#DD0000]"$stylevar[imgdir_editor]/html.png"  [/color][color=#0000BB]width[/color][color=#007700]=[/color][color=#DD0000]"16" [/color][color=#0000BB]height[/color][color=#007700]=[/color][color=#DD0000]"16" [/color][color=#0000BB]alt[/color][color=#007700]=[/color][color=#DD0000]"$vbphrase[wrap_html_tags]" [/color][color=#007700]/></[/color][color=#0000BB]div[/color][color=#007700]></[/color][color=#0000BB]td[/color][COLOR=#007700]>  
[/COLOR][color=#0000BB][/color] [/COLOR]  	[/LEFT]

Add Below This:

[LEFT] 	[color=#000000] [COLOR=#0000BB][/color][color=#007700]<!--[/color][color=#0000BB]custom code start [/color][COLOR=#007700]-->
<[/COLOR][color=#0000BB]td[/color][color=#007700]><[/color][color=#0000BB]div [/color][color=#007700]class=[/color][color=#DD0000]"imagebutton" [/color][color=#0000BB]id[/color][color=#007700]=[/color][color=#DD0000]"{$editorid}_cmd_wrap0_imdb"[/color][color=#007700]><[/color][color=#0000BB]img src[/color][color=#007700]=[/color][color=#DD0000]"$stylevar[imgdir_editor]/imdb.gif" [/color][color=#0000BB]width[/color][color=#007700]=[/color][color=#DD0000]"21" [/color][color=#0000BB]height[/color][color=#007700]=[/color][color=#DD0000]"20" [/color][color=#0000BB]alt[/color][color=#007700]=[/color][color=#DD0000]"Wrap [imdb] tags around selected text" [/color][color=#007700]/></[/color][color=#0000BB]div[/color][color=#007700]></[/color][color=#0000BB]td[/color][COLOR=#007700]>
<!--[/COLOR][color=#0000BB]custom code end [/color][COLOR=#007700]-->  
[/COLOR][color=#0000BB][/color] [/COLOR]  	[/LEFT]

Note: I also added a class_bbcode.php file for those are experiencing difficulties with the modification.

Please make sure you have backed up the
class_bbcode.php file before you upload it into the includes directory.

ALL Done!

How To Use

You simple copy the part at the end of the IMDB link and copy after the tt letters the IMDB ID and write it between the tags.

Example: you copy 0468569 and write it between two tags like this : [IMDB]0468569[/IMDB]

Common Mistakes With This Plugin:
- Your host must have the allow_url_open option set as OPEN or ON.
- Images and cache folder's CHMOOD must set to 777 ( Files and Subfolders )
- The Format of usage is [IMDB]0468569[/IMDB] not [IMDB]tt0468569[/IMDB] or [IMDB][/IMDB]

Credits and Notes:
-Part of the plugin was written under GPL.
-Special Thanks to Melih Büyük who made this plugin work.
-Bug reports, suggestions that would help improve this plugin are always welcome.

Members who want to buy the full version of this plugin may contact me trought PM.




* Some minor modification on imdb.php
* Updated installation and file
* Added instructions to the post.
* Added a modified example class_bbcode.php file
* Added $bburl to the plugin which automatically fixes the website adress issue what caused "Page Not Found Error"
thanks dude :) still got my error but at least i am up to date oh btw

if any one gets the page can not be displayed go into ya xml look for http://$bburl/imdb.php?mi change the $bburl to you're webpage address worked for me