imap_delete not working


New Member
I am using php imap functions to parse the message from webmail. I can fetch messages one by one and save them in DB. After saving, I want to delete the inbox message. imap_delete function is not working here. My code is like that:\[code\]$connection = pop3_login($host,$port,$user,$pass,$folder="INBOX",$ssl=false);//connect$stat = pop3_list($connection);//list messagesforeach($stat as $line) { //save in db codes... imap_delete($connection, $line['msgno']);//flag as delete}imap_close($connection, CL_EXPUNGE);\[/code\]I also tested - \[code\]imap_expunge($connection);\[/code\]
But it is not working. The messages are not deleted. Please help me out...