Images next to name,and itrader.


New Member
Hi.I have vBULLETIN 3.8 and #1 im trying to get images next to specific users names how could i do that?

#2 i have a copy of itrader but its not for 3.8 its like 3.5,will it work? and i read the html file but where do i upload the "upload folder to"

this is what i says

Current Version: 2.0.1
vB Version Support: 3.5.x
Author: Jason Rabel
Copyright ©2005 Jason Rabel, All Rights Reserved.
Important Note For Users Updating From v2.0.0 to v2.0.1

Because of some time handling changes, two settings need to be manually changed in the Admin CP -> vBulletin Options -> iTrader Settings

    * Edit Time Limit - Is now specified in minutes, not seconds (Change to 5).
    * Duplicate User Rating Time Limit - Is now specified in hours, now seconds. (Change to 24).

There are several new AdminCP Options, so be sure to browse over all of them and set as necessary.
New Installation Instructions:

Please follow the following steps IN ORDER, otherwise the install will not work properly and I will not even bother to reply to any of your help requests.

   1. Upload ALL the files in the "Upload" directory, including the sub-directories!
   2. Install the iTrader Product via the Plugin Manager. The XML file is located in the "Product XML" folder.
   3. Edit all the usergroup permissions (all groups default to no access). The iTrader permissions will show up at the bottom of the list.
   4. Edit your iTrader options in the vBulletin Options menu. They will be listed at the bottom of the page in their own group.
   5. Edit your templates, more info can be found in the Template Info.html file.
   6. That's it, your iTrader system should be up and running!

vBulletin 3.0.x -> 3.5.x Upgrade Instructions:

If you previously were using Trader Ratings 1.2.0 on your vB 3.0.x forum and still have all your rating data, you can do a simple upgrade to the new system.

   1. Do a new install as per the ALL the instructions above, EXCEPT leave the iTrader system CLOSED (meaning set the "iTrader Active" option to "No").
   2. Upload the itrader_upgrade.php file located in the "Extras/admincp" directory to the admincp directory on your server.
   3. Login to your admincp and enter the URL to the itrader_upgrade.php file. Follow the instructions carefully!
   4. That's it! Verify your data imported successfully and then set the "iTrader Active" option to "Yes" to open the system.

Usage / Limitations / Liability:

The name "iTrader" and URL pointing to at the bottom of the iTrader pages MUST REMAIN UNCHANGED.

This add-on is provided free to any licensed vBulletin holder, if you do not have a legal vBulletin license then you should NOT be using this add-on! This add-on is provided "as is" without any warranty or support. In no event shall the author be liable for any damages as a result of using this add-on. Redistribution of this code (in part or whole) is strictly prohibited without the author's express written permission! An individual may modify this code for their own person use only. Distribution of this code (in partial or in whole) is strictly prohibited.

The only location where you should be downloading this file from is