Images for usernames?

He may or not have an automated process for creating images from Usernames which he stores as "userid".jpg. Then he has a plug/template/bbcode that replaces the block in the postbit with his image instead of the username, probably he has a conditional that check if he has an image for that use and display it else display the username. Actually, its not terribly complex once you sent it up. I think the most complicated part is creating the image with the username.

Take a look at this code fragment, its easy to see what his is doing :

<div class="bigusername">
				<img src="images/names/123456.jpg" border="0" />
		<div class="smallfont"><b><font color="33CCCC">Usergroup</font></b></div><br />

			<img src="image.php?u=123456&dateline=1237135049"  width="80" height="80"  alt="user's Avatar" border="0" style="border:1px solid #56688C; border-top:none" /><br /><br />
