Imagemagik - Question1


Okay, so Typo3 is now installed (after several problems) there are now a few config things that need resolving - one at a time I think.<br /><br />I am getting this error on imagemagik<br />---<br />No ImageMagick install available<br /><br />It seems that there is no adequate ImageMagick installation available at the checked locations (/usr/X11R6/bin/, /usr/bin/, /usr/local/bin/)<br />An 'adequate' installation for requires 'convert', 'combine'/'composite' and 'identify' to be available<br />---<br />I have the typo3 installation in a folder, would this have any bearing on anything?<br />I also need to tell it what version is installed, does anyone know this?<br /><br />thanks<br />Andy<!--content-->
Andy, ImageMagik should be working without any problems. Submit a help desk ticket so the techs take a look at the problem.<!--content-->
okay, will do.<br /><br />thanks.<br />Andy<!--content-->
Just for the record, ImageMagik's binaries should be inside "/usr/local/bin".<br /><br />Since Typo3 says it treid that path, I'm assuming something is wrong with ImageMagik.<!--content-->