

Hi guys. Just made a little script to merge a small logo onto a bigger screenshot and its working nicely with Jpegs.

However, the image [logo] has an area that is required to be transparent. Obviously this can't be acheived with jpeg images, and my server does not support gif in the GD library. As a result I need some help in using some other method to ensure that the transparency is shown through.

I tried using png format for the logo and using imagecreatefrompng, however the transparent area is not shown through, it comes out green [as seen in the attached ss]

So, if anyone could offer me some advise I would be most gracious. Thanks a lot.well for one IE has little support for PNG's let alone for transparent ones. you have to use a filter for IE only pages.

<img name="pic1" style="filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='')" src="trans.gif" width="30" height="30">

here are some otehrs having issues
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> something like this help me?

header("Content-type: image/gif");
imagegif($image);no as the GD library doesn't support gif anymore.Oh well, not to worry its not that important. Roll on next version of GD with GIF support eh? :)

Oh mate, one other question. Is there any way to prevent people abusing the enter button on a form submission? I.e. I have a form adding something to a database, if the user holds the submit button down it adds the item multiple times, is there anyway to prevent this? I tried displaying a JavaScript alert but it doesnt solve the problem as the user can still hold enter before the alert loads.GD will never support gif's. they are proprietary and cost money to use in that fashion.

and to your form question. yes do this

<input type="submit" onclick="this.disabled='true'">I am positive I saw that when the patent runs out in June 2004 support would be reintroduced>? :confused: :confused: :eek:

Thanks for the tip, much appreciated.Uhoh, when I use the on click value the form doesn't get submitted?Originally posted by Cristiano
I am positive I saw that when the patent runs out in June 2004 support would be reintroduced>? :confused: :confused: :eek:
that would be cool, but don't get your hopes up.can you post your form here?Sure can...

echo "<form name=\"form1\" method=\"post\" action=\"$phpself\">
<b><font face = \"Arial\", size =\"4\", color=\"darkblue\"><u>Add Player to the Database</u></font><br><br>
<p><b>Players Full Name: </b>
<input type=\"text\" name=\"name\"></p>
<p><b>Players Club: </b>
<input type=\"text\" name=\"club\"></p>
<p><b>Players Value: </b>
<input type=\"text\" name=\"value\" value=\"顤