New Member
Hi and thanks<BR>I use a <asp:ImageButton> in a cell of a table populated from a Repeater. I use the OnItemCommand to run a function when one of the ImageButtons gets clicked, passing the ID of the item, and the function deletes the entry from the database. Works great. But I want to run a client side function when the ImageButton gets clicked, to display a 'are you sure' dialog before going to the server to run the delete function. I cant work out how to call the client side function when the ImageButton gets clicked. How do I do this?<BR>Thanks<BR>ZegIn case anyone else has same prob<BR>I just used an onsubmit() function client side for the whole form. When an individual imagebutton in the databound repeater is clicked, and the function on the server is run, the form is submitted anyway, so the form's onsubmit is run client side first anyway.