image upload?


Is there and easy way to allow users to upload and image to my website and have it displayed? Allow people to comment or rate it? And preferably free <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":lol:" border="0" alt="laugh.gif" /><!--content-->
There's an easy way, but that doesn't mean it'll be a safe way. Allowing users to upload content to your server is a very brave move and not recommended unless you're a highly trained professional.<br /><br />Rule #1 of web developing = NEVER TRUST YOUR USERS.<br /><br />There are numerous ways to hack your site through an upload form, and you need to have a big think about whether you're prepared to risk it before you go about setting up said functionality.<br /><br />If you do, you're a braver person than I am. D:<!--content-->
You're going to need some server side scripting capabilities. Like PHP, ASP, Python or similar. And there's loads of image upload scripts availible. Though if you pick a premade script do your research on it. See if anyone has reported many problems with it. As Rachel said; never trust your users.<br /><br />Writing your own upload script is easy as well. (Provided you got some basic knowledge on scripting.) This is why you'll find so many example out there. But many of the examples will not have good error handling or could have potiential security flaws, which is why you should pick just any package.<br /><br />So your first step would be to find out what capabilities your hosting server got.<!--content-->