Image Troubles

Still having troubles w/ stuff:<br />
Here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) is where the problem is. <br />
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What i wanted to do was make look like one whole image, with no gaps or spaces inbetween, and still have just the [enter] going to the next page<br />
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rOnny<!--content-->not an image problem, an html code problem,<br />
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by dropping your image tags down one line you leave a blank space in between the images, run them together:<br />
<br />
<td><img src=<br />
'/me4/section8/Section8_copy2.JPG'><img<br />
src=''><a<br />
href=''><img<br />
src=''<br />
border=0></a></td><!--content-->Sweet, thanks. Thats one prob fixed. Im not sure if the next one can be fixed though. <br />
Take another look here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) <br />
and notice that the bottom half is slightly bent :/<br />
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can that be fixed?<br />
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thanks, rOnny<!--content-->The image can not be bent unless it was designed bent. :arcade:<br />
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May need to break it away from the bigger image with <br> tag<!--content-->a bent image, that is great, have to remember that one.<br />
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you should also have head tags if you are going to have a title tag. bad coding practices if you ask me.<br />
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yes KW is correct. the bottom image is smaller than the top image. just by a pixel from what it looks like.<!--content-->Originally posted by s8|rOnny <br />
Sweet, thanks. Thats one prob fixed. Im not sure if the next one can be fixed though. <br />
Take another look here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) <br />
and notice that the bottom half is slightly bent :/<br />
<br />
can that be fixed?<br />
<br />
thanks, rOnny <br />
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the problem is the bottom left image is one pixel to narrow to match up with the image above, here is the image corrected, replace this one with yours, note this one is named with a jpg extension.<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->Originally posted by scoutt <br />
a bent image, that is great, have to remember that one.<br />
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... I've met a lot of bent images in my time.<br />
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Neil<br />
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OKAY OKAY it was too easy, but honestly who here could resist such an easy line?<br />
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Damn! All of you except me.<br />
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HHHmmmmm, not sure whether that says more about me or the rest of ya. Probably me.<!--content-->Hi, I was having the same trouble with gaps in my images. I tried putting all the code in one line, and it works except for the last image still has a gap.<br />
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<div align="center"><br />
<a href="about.html" target="main" onmouseover="hover('pic01over')" onmouseout="hover('pic01out')"><img src="images/about_0.jpg" name="pic01" border=0></a><br />
<a href="clients.html" target="main" onMouseOver="hover('pic02over')" onMouseOut="hover('pic02out')"><img src="images/clients_0.jpg" name="pic02" border=0/></a> <br />
<a href="contact.html" target="main" onMouseOver="hover('pic03over')" onMouseOut="hover('pic03out')"><img src="images/contact_0.jpg" name="pic03" border=0></a></div><br />
</body<!--content-->do you ahve a url for us to look at? also this thread is 2 years old<!--content-->