image to text flip via rollover, please help


I would like to rollover an image , thereby causing two things:<br />
a) button image gets a bright 2pix border<br />
b) large image in center of page dissapears and text is in it's place.<br />
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I read up about javascripts, and about CSS. I guess I could do it either way, but :<br />
which way will keep page load time fast, and be effective on a wide range of browsers ??<br />
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Thaddeus Corea<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->well you can preload the images in javascript so that will cut down on load time for the rollover. it sounds like a good project. maybe it can be done in dhtml too.<br />
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good luck :)<!--content-->I'd do it in JavaScript if I were you. Netscape doesn't always comply completly with dhtml and JavaScript is easy to get help with if you have a problem.<!--content-->DHTML is a combination of css and javascript. There are a ton of DHTML scripts which are compatible with netscape. <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> for more on those.<br />
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THIS project, however, seems to be a double image rollover.... which will work nicely across browsers. Just make a center picture of text to swap on Mousever.<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->Please note that I wasn't trying to bad-talk DHTML in any way. I have used it extensively and have no problems with it. I meant to write more on this post but I had to leave suddenly.<br />
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Good Luck!<!--content-->