Image & Tables


Question 1 :<br />
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Ok, I have a table where I want the 1st row, 1st td as the header image and the 2nd row 1st td as the left image which is of a boarder, then the 2nd row 2nd td as a solid color for writing text, and the 2nd row 3rd td as the right image which is of a border just like the left image. But the left image which is in the 2nd row 1st td keeps repeating and ends up pushing the 2nd and 3rd td that are in the 2nd row over and it cuts of the end of the 1st row 1st td image too. Why is it doing that and how do I fix it? I have a page that shows what it's like, it's at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> the table at the top of the page is the original table with the border on so you could see it, the vertical image in the second row that's repeating is what I'm taking about. The second image on the page is how I want my table to look like without the whitespaces, I put that there so you could see the images seperate. I also put up a screenshot of my html code that I'm using for it. What I have on that linked page isn't the end of the table, I'll be putting an image that looks like the top of the table on the bottom, only flipped. I just haven't added that image yet cause' I need to know what I'm doing wrong with what I have. <br />
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Question 2: <br />
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The image I have on the link above, <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> is in jpg format, but it comes out looking like it has water over it where it's funny looking near the edges as if it's runny or something, sorry I'm not good with descriptions. But how do I make my images not turn out looking like it has water over them? I used PSP to make them.<br />
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Thanks for taking the time to read this :)<!--content-->that is because the image that is repeating is trying to fill the cell that is as big as the top cell. if you want to stop that you will have to make the top cell smaller or split it up.<br />
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you could just make the top cell use colspan="3" to cover the width of the bottom cells.<br />
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for the second question it might be just the colors you use that make it look like that. what resoultion are you saving the jpg's in? like 16 million or 256?<!--content-->Thanks for the help, I used the colspan like you had said and it worked. Thanks so much for the help with that :) I save my images in 16 mill as a jpg. Should I be saving them in 256?<!--content-->cool that it worked. :cool:<br />
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the only difference it will make is cut the file size down and load faster when the page comes up. but that is up to you. changing it to 256 might alter the colors a little so it might not look like what you planned.<!--content-->Ok :) Thanks for telling me about the 256 colors. I tried it but it didn't give me much choice with the color, but I tried it in 32 million colors (24 bit) and that seemed to work really good. I don't get that fuzzy blurred effect on the images anymore and the color palette still had variety :) Thanks so much for all your help on the table and the images :)<!--content-->