image table alignment........

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on the left navagation table see the options image.....<br />
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well how can i align it jus like that on the table where the image and the table are connected without a space but also not those border lines around it the image.....<br />
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<table width="118" height="500" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="000000" align="left"><br />
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<td><img src="pictures/options6.jpg" border="0" width="118"></td></tr><br />
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<td><br />
<u><font color="6699cc" size="1"><b>Board Features</b></font></u></td></tr><br />
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theres a lil hunk of the coding.....any problems with that.......<br />
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ok thanks in advance......<!--content-->Change the value of cellspacing from 1 to 0 and give it a try. The border=0 attribute in the image tag is not doing anything, it can be removed. (That is mostly used to remove the border from an image that is being used as a hyper link.) <br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->thanks kevin, it worked but do you have any suggestions on the line above it....<br />
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if not at least this is better then before......<br />
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ok thanks.......<!--content-->Looks like the table is stretching out a little, try removing the height attribute from the table tag and see if that works. You could also set the bgcolor of the table to white and set the color of the cell (<TD>) with the links in it to black and that might get the same result.<br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->once again u have been a great help....<br />
i greatly appreciate it.....<br />
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.....peace & progression.....<!--content-->