Image Storage and CDN for websites


New Member
Currently I am looking to move my websites images to a storage service. I have two websites developed in PHP and ASP.NET.Using Amazon S3 service we can host all our images and videos to serve web pages. But there are some limitations using S3 service when we want to serve images.[*]If website needs different thumbnail images with different sizes from original image, it is tough. We have again need to subscribe for EC2 also. Though the data transfer from S3 to EC2 is free, it takes time for data transfer before processing image resize operation.[*]Uploading number of files in zip format and unzipping in S3 is not possible to reduce number of uploads.[*]Downloading multiple files from S3 is not possible in case if we want to shift to another provider.[*]Image names are case sensitive in S3. Which will not load images if image name does not match with request.Among all these first one is very important thing since image resize is general requirement.Which provider is best suitable to achieve my goal. Can I move to Google AppEngine only for the purpose of image hosting or is there any other vendor who can provide above services?