Image stay with screen??


What is the code to make a image stay on the screen as you scroll it scrolls with you??Not the background just an image.<br />
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Thxs<!--content-->with Mozilla based browsers(NS6+) you can use css property..<br />
position:fixed;<br />
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for IE browsers until MS supports CSS you will need towrte some JavaScript code ...<!--content-->I've written up a page that does exactly what Khalid said. It uses position:fixed for Moz/NN and JS for IE...<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->isnt there a easier way?? Like smaller code. I just want it for<br />
an image. I dont need the floating box just a floating image.<br />
thx<!--content-->Its going to look about the same no matter what the element... If you want it on the top like that you might consider using a frame.<!--content-->like with this page they have ballons stay with you while you scroll. but I dont need thembouncing around(even though it would be cool to know)<br />
thx again<!--content-->sounds like a job for some hard core dhtml scripting, I have never gotten into dhtml though so dont ask me....<!--content-->