image sizes in tables - can they be constrained?

hey there, <br />
having problems with image sizes in tables, at the mo the images are fine viewed at 600x800 but in 1024x768 they get stretched as i set the size values as %, is there any way to constrain proportions for when viewed in 1024X768<br />
(they're fine in 800x600 because i designed the images for that resolution)<br />
cheers<br />
leo :)<br />
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another thought, the images are 100high by 250 wide, would i have to work out some sort of ratio for the % so they don't distort? ie: not have both set at 100%<!--content-->you want to use hard coded values for your pics. Pictures will always distort when enlarged beyond their original size. <br />
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What you need to do is either design the layout to compensate for the additional space (optimal), or design the pics so that they can be shrunk-no distortion as long as the proportions are contstrained by a script/ ss coding (but less optimal since the larger pic will always load, then be shrunk down... slowing Download <!--more--> times.)<br />
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do you have a url of the site your working on? we can supply some specific suggestions in that case.<!--content-->unfortunately it's on my HD at the mo, and part of a php script so i wouldnt be able to just upload the page in question. But i like your suggestion of basically instead of designing the images for 800x600 i design them for 1024X768, that way i can use 100% for all sizes and the images would automatically adjust to the users screen resolution (along with the tables). They are only simple banner images so they would remain small in size, and should'nt distort so much. <br />
thanks dr web :)<!--content-->dr web, could you give me a pointer as to what kind of script/ss i would be looking for to constrain the sizes<br />
cheers<br />