image size problems


Hi all<br />
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Can anyone tell me why the company logo is different sizes. The picture sizes are all the same until i upload the pages even in 'preview'! It seems to be bigger only on the main links. Please take a look and see if there r any problems that i have overlooked.<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->yeah all of it seems to shift slightly to the right from page to page, try setting the same td width:<br />
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give this first td the same value on each page, i think it looks ok at 143, change the others to 143<br />
<td width="143" height="1" rowspan="3"><img src="site_pics/delta_logo.jpg" width="141" height="86" alt="Delta Machinery Ltd"></td><!--content-->Thanks for your help but i am afraid that this does not solve the problem. The image size just won't change. I do not want it that big.It does not make sense!<br />
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Any other ideas apprciated.<br />
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Thanks<br />
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Lisa<!--content-->ok, sorry maybe i misunderstood, your logo is 141x86, did it start of smaller, if so get the original size and match the size in the html page to the original size,in this line:<br />
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<td width="143" height="1" rowspan="3"><img src="site_pics/delta_logo.jpg" width="141" height="86" alt="Delta Machinery Ltd"></td><!--content-->You have some [errors (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ine=1&sp=1</a><!-- m -->)] in the code. In particular nearly all of the tables have a lot of <tr> and </tr> elements that are simply missing. The validator didn't actually find all of the errors. Check your code very carefully again. There must be a <tr> straight after <table>, and there must be a </tr> immediately before </table>. Additionally, before you start a new <tr> you must finish the previous one with a </tr> tag immediately before it.<!--content-->Thanks for the help. The image sizes are now all the same...i think i just had to wait for the updates to be loaded.(Doh!)<br />
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I will clean up my code though so thanks for the tip.<br />
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Lisa<!--content-->Getting better. Check the link (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ine=1&sp=1</a><!-- m -->) again.<br />
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There is a duplicate <tr> tag: one on the end of line 56, and another on the start of line 57. Delete the one on the end of line 56.<!--content-->