Image Rollover

the nemesis

New Member
What's the best way for doing image rollover effects in asp+ using<BR>You should be able to approach it pretty much as you would in HTML. The following uses an ASP ImageButton and works fine.<BR><BR><ASP:ImageButton id="btnLogon"<BR> ImageUrl="Graphics/LogOnOff.gif"<BR> AlternateText="LogOn"<BR> Name="btnLogon"<BR> Visible="False"<BR> OnMouseOver="src='Graphics/LogOnOn.gif'"<BR> OnMouseOut="src='Graphics/LogOnOff.gif'"<BR> runat="Server" /><BR><BR>Good Luck<BR>Tom TIf you want the rollover to work in both IE & Netscape, you might try something like this:<BR><BR><a href="link" onMouseOver="document.images['imageName'].src='imageSrc'" onMouseOut="document.images['imageName'].src='imageSrc'"><img name="imageName" src="defaultSrc" width="50" height="50" border="0"></a><BR><BR>The standared html image can also be replaced with an <asp:image> if you like. <BR><BR>Hth, <BR><BR>])rythat I was the only one who called it Nutscrape. Go figure.Thanks Tom!!<BR><BR>I was going about it the hard way.(Event Handlers and stuff, I'm new to .net and I was getting way off the mark.).<BR>Don't support Netspace, never have, never will, so that doesn't bother me at all.<BR>Thanks again.<BR>