image not appearing/loading


Hi,<br />
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I am expiriencing a weird problem. I finished building the website (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) and while testing it, it seems that certain people have problems viewing the site.<br />
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The problem:<br />
Images won't appear. I've created a simple test page with two images. The first is a watch and the second of a motorcycle. The watch image dosn't appear in some occasions.<br />
Link: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->. />
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On the main site the problem arises in the "design" section. The "products" section has no problem.<br />
The pages are using javascript. The script calls for images which the browser can't seem to find/load (don't know). Because of this none of the javascript is loaded...<br />
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Can anyone help?<br />
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Configuration were problem appears:<br />
MS WinXP (home edition) running IE6.0.<br />
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No problem:<br />
- XPPro/98se with IE 5.x/6.0<br />
- Mac OSX with IE 5.2<br />
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Cheers,<br />
Pieter<!--content-->Ok, well, i checked out your test page, and i didn't see any code that was horrible enough to make an image simply not display. <br />
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However, you should start validating your html markup (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->). <br />
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Also, on your main website, you are using tables for non-tabular data. You should read the article why using tables for layout is stupid. (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) <br />
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Also i noticed you used microsoft frontpage on your test page. Frontpage is trash. I dont know if you always use frontpage, but i'd highly recomend finding the uninstall button.<!--content-->Thanks for the reply.<br />
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The problem is very weird. How can it be that some people can and some can't see both images on: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->. ???<br />
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Cheers,<br />
Pieter<!--content-->also i notice that you arent using any essential markup such as the <p> tag's and <h1>-<h6> tags. And some of your <title> tags are empty. <br />
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These tags are extremely important when it comes to getting good search engine rankings, and making your website more accessible to people with disabilities.<!--content-->Hmm.. good one! The title haven't been added yet. That was going to be my last step.<br />
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the <p> tag and <h1> etc tags aren't in use because I'm using stylesheets.. but I'll check out your site about tables..<br />
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cheers,<br />
Pieter<!--content-->Originally posted by pieterh <br />
I'll check out your site about tables..<br />
<br />
cheers,<br />
Pieter <br />
Do that! :) <br />
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Good luck with everything. I'm sure some more web designers will post and probably expand upon what i've mentioned.<br />
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If you are serious about becoming a good web developer. You should learn to code using valid, accessible, semanticly correct html and not to use any presentational markup inside of your documents-Thats what external stylesheets are for. As you will read in the article, about seperating content from design.<!--content-->Thanks!<br />
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Nevertheless, my problem is still there.<br />
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Can you or someone else solve the problem why top (of two) image doesn't always appear on: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <br />
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Cheers,<br />
Pieter<!--content-->i have also looked over the code; try elimating the <p> tags around your images, FrontPage will always throw unneeded and proprietary code into pages it creates, so I also recommend not using FrontPage. :)<!--content-->Hi,<br />
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Thanks for the advice. I know the code and my editor is not preffered, but that isn't the problem ;)<br />
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The problem is that top image doesn't display on certain computers. What could be wrong with the image?<br />
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Cheers,<br />
Pieter<br />
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p.s. I changed the code and took away the <p> tag and frontpage BS :cool:<!--content-->Well, you say "certain" computers, but we need to know more than that... Like what OS, what browser is default, etc. If there was a problem with the image it wouldn't display at all.<br />
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Also, I just looked at the source, why all the JS?? You are using javaScript for your link rollovers when that can be done much more accessibly with CSS. That could indeed be the problem.<br />
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Edit:: Just saw initial post, lol<!--content-->theres nothing wrong with the image<br />
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it could be a number of things though.<br />
It could be your html code<br />
it could be your webserver going wack<br />
it could be the clients browser is messed up<br />
...<!--content-->True, all of the above could be wrong, but I do think its all the JS.<!--content-->ok, pieterh, i tested your start.html page (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) in the following web browsers, and in all of the browsers the images displayed.<br />
<br />
the browsers tested:<br />
internet explorer 6<br />
internet explorer 5.5<br />
internet explorer 5.01<br />
internet explorer 4.01<br />
internet explorer 3.0<br />
netscape 7.2<br />
netscape 6.2<br />
netscape 4.7<br />
mozilla firefox 0.8<br />
opera 7.23<br />
opera 6.06<br />
opera 5.0<br />
safari 1.2 (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)<br />
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My operating system is windows xp home edition.<br />
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oh by the way, when i tested it in internet explorer i tested it with both javascript enabled and disabled. The images still displayed.<!--content-->I notice on your website pages you are using a lot of ../../ in your paths. Are you aware that if you preceed the image URL with a '/' ie: "/images/...../img.jpg", the path will always start from the home-page directory on an Apache server (which you appear to be using).<br />
Those ../../'s MAY be causing you a problem!<!--content-->Hmm, why didn't I think of that!? LOL<!--content-->Hi,<br />
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I think I found the solution...<br />
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OK.. I know you guys think I shouldn't be using Frontpage (Bill is forcing me ;)).. but ok..<br />
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Frontpage creates .htaccess files. These files were (hidden) in certain directories. On the computer that was expiriencing dificulties the following was running:<br />
- WINXP home v. 2002 sp1<br />
- IE 6.0.2800<br />
- Norton Internet Security v.7.06.17<br />
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After turning the Norton software off the page could be seen properly... :confused: <br />
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so.. i'm know in the process of deleting all FP (.htaccess) files..<br />
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Hope that will do the trick..<br />
<br />
Cheers,<br />
Pieter<!--content-->YIKES!! Scary to think that M$FP sites require firewalls to be off to view. Just gives me more ammo against M$, LOL<!--content-->that makes absolutely no sense.<!--content-->I notice on your website pages you are using a lot of ../../ in your paths. Are you aware that if you preceed the image URL with a '/' ie: "/images/...../img.jpg", the path will always start from the home-page directory on an Apache server (which you appear to be using).<br />
Those ../../'s MAY be causing you a problem! <br />
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Hi,<br />
<br />
When I use advice above, I can't get the images to appear on my pc (offline). Probably because it will look for the directory in the root of my drive. How can I work around this? Or should I always upload for a preview?<br />
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Cheers,<br />
Pieter<!--content-->Originally posted by pieterh <br />
When I use advice above, I can't get the images to appear on my pc (offline). Probably because it will look for the directory in the root of my drive. How can I work around this? Or should I always upload for a preview?That is, indeed, a problem. I do not know of a work-around.<!--content-->Hi,<br />
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So I guess the method is good for a template page of which all pages based on this template ("child pages") appear in different "depths" within the site structure. When programming the template, offline, the code could then be transformed so no problems would arise when creating the child pages.<br />
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Is there no javascript or something within a stylesheet that could tell the page where the root of the site is located?<br />
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Cheers,<br />