Image map tag and browser compatibility?


Staff member
I'm curious if anyone knows how compatible the image map tag used in Dreamweaver is with older versions of browsers.<br />
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Here is an example of the tag.<br />
<br />
<br />
<img src="/images/banner.jpg" width="650" height="71" usemap="#Map" border="0"><br />
<br />
<map name="Map"><br />
<area shape="rect" coords="160,21,236,53" href="#"><br />
</map><br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Also, I've seen some different "image map" codes so I'm also wondering if there is a better (more compatible) one.<br />
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ANY insight on this would be great!<br />
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Thanks!<!--content-->Image maps are older than Dreamweaver, so any Dreamweaver code will be 100% compatible.<br />
The syntax you supplied is the only syntax I've ever seen for image maps.<!--content-->