Image Map Question / Rollovers


Hey,<br />
I am working on this image map. It is bascially one complete picture of a map with a bunch of circles taken from it as hyperlinks. I want it to work so when you rollover the dots, marking each center, for the black dot to change to red. I was wondering if with the co-ordinates sectioned off, if when I use the mouseOver and mouseOut event handlers, if it can change the area that is sectioned off, even though it is not an individual picture?? <br />
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If this doesn't work, the only other way I can think to get this to work is to use layers and the z-index and stack the dot for each center on map, changing it that way, independent of the map picture. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.<br />
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Matt<!--content-->Trust me, you NEED some software for this. Photoshop/Image Ready do this & there is lots of free stuff on the web. Try Download <!--more-->.Com (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.Download">http://www.Download</a><!-- m --> <!--more-->.com)<!--content-->