Image Map Problems [has rollovers]


Staff member
My image map works fine.<br />
check it out here - <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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My Problem is:<br />
I want to add a status bar discription [you now at the bottm of the browser] to my rollovers in my map. Now the status mouse over is pretty simple with regular links and image links, and even regular image maps... <br />
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HTML as follow:<br />
< a href="file.html" onMouseOver="window.status='Your Text Here';return true" onMouseOut="window.status='';return true" >Link< /a > <br />
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But a map with rollovers, I can't seem to get it to work. <br />
I add the code and I just get a javascript error, can sometime help me pleeeeeeaaaaseee??<br />
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Thanks<br />
Danielle <br />
:confused:<!--content--><AREA SHAPE="rect" COORDS="89,2,126,35" HREF="" <br />
title="News" <br />
onMouseOver="if(document.images) document.new01_030.src=''; window.status='some text';return true;" <br />
onMouseOut="if(document.images) document.new01_030.src=''; window.status='some more text'; return true;"><!--content-->Y'know Mr. Kenneth Joergensen?<br />
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Well... hmmm... Let's see.... oh yes, I think I would have TRIED THAT. Only the mouse OUT funtion actually appears in the status bar, now I use IE 6.0, I don't know if that has anything to do with it, I would SERIOUSLY DOUBT IT.<br />
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Just to make sure I wasn't making a mistake.. I cut and paste yours into mine, and I didn't work the way I wanted it too, till I took the actually "href" link out... but...can't do that so.. I am stuck still.<br />
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Thanks for your help.<br />
<br />
Danielle. <br />
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