My website is full screen even when user resize their browser and some images are clickable.So I use mapster. It works perfectly fine except IE.I don't know why. I used many methods but it's still an error.I'm still new in web design.My link is www.myplog.coThese are my coordinates:<map name="contactus" id="contactus"><area shape="circle" coords="844,922,54" href="" id="social" target="_blank"/> <area shape="circle" coords="835,1102,101" href="" target="_blank"/><area shape="circle" coords="600,1002,55" href="" target="_blank"/><area shape="rect" coords="172,575,446,613" href="" target="_blank" /> <area shape="rect" coords="247,726,475,770" href="" target="_blank" /></map> I include this script block:$('img').mapster();When the customer resizes their browser, I get the width of the user's browser and apply it to images.var dwidth = $(window).width();$("#img1").css("width", dwidth);After that, my image maps are not clickable.