Image map background?

Here it goes, does anyone know if it is posable to have an image map as a fixed background?i need to have the <br />
text scroll over the image map i have and the <body background="image.gif" bgproperties="fixed"> will not do...<br />
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Any help would be great.<br />
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Cheers<!--content-->Hi Ikonos...<br />
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ive never tried putting "usemap" inside the body tag... but apparently you tried it and it didn't work.<br />
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does it have to be the "background" (in the <body> tag)...<br />
or could you just use a <div> with a z-index of 0 (zero) to contain the image.<br />
Be careful though... any subsequent "block" items over the image will prevent portions of the image map from being accessable.<br />
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;) k<!--content-->Do you want an image as background, or do you want an image map?<br />
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Image map is when you "create" several regions on an image that link to various different html pages.<br />
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To have a fixed background that does not scroll with text:<br />
<body style="background: url('mybg.gif') fixed no-repeat right top"><br />
(fixed: keeps the bg from scrolling)<br />
(no-repeat: keeps the bg from tiling)<br />
(right top: where the bg is positioned)<br />
For quickref, read: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... background</a><!-- m --><!--content-->I didn't test this... (i don't really use image maps)...<br />
but conceptually it would seem to work:<br />
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<div id="map" style="top:0px; left:0px"><br />
<img src="img.gif" usemap="#mapCoordinates"><br />
<map name="mapCoordinates"><br />
<area href= coords="0,0,118,28"><br />
<area href= coords="184,0,276,28"><br />
<area href= coords="118,0,184,28"><br />
<area href= coords="276,0,373,28"><br />
</map><br />
</div><br />
<br />
???<br />
;) k<!--content-->Sweet, Thanks Guys, Yea i want the Image map to be fixed on the back of the screen with the text scrolling over it....But the closes i have come was to have the image do this...but of course the coardinates then do not work, the only other thought i had was to contain the image map in a table...well i`ll try a bunch of ideas i got and tell you if they work....Thanks for he code khaki, nkaisare <br />
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