Image hyperlink in PHP


New Member
I have the following PHP code for one of my blocks\[code\]<?php global $base_url; ?><div class = "order-help"><div class = "rc-img"><img src = "<?php print $base_url; ?>/sites/all/themes/businessconnect/images/contacts-box.jpg" alt = ""/></div></div>\[/code\]This displays the image fine in my block but i also want to make the image a hyperlink to some other page. For that i used the following code\[code\]<?php global $base_url; ?><div class = "order-help"><?php print( <a href=""><div class = "rc-img"><img src = "<?php print $base_url; ?>/sites/all/themes/businessconnect/images/contacts-box.jpg" alt = ""/></div></a>' ); ?></div>\[/code\]But it does not work. What am i missing?Please Help