Im trying to get different images to load when hovering over the different image map zones. Is this even possible with htlm/css or java? If so how?ThanksHere's my code so far:\[code\]<img id="navbar" src="" usemap="#navmap"/> <map name="navmap"> <area id="index-hover" shape="poly" coords="0,113,125,77,126,129,0,168,0,113" href="" alt="" title="" /> <area id="selfstudy-hover" shape="poly" coords="127,77,281,66,271,118,128,129,127,77" href="" alt="" title="" /> <area id="exhibits-hover" shape="poly" coords="284,66,432,73,433,123,274,118,284,66" href="" alt="" title="" /> <area shape="poly" coords="434,73,602,87,593,138,435,123,434,73" href="" alt="" title="" /> <area shape="poly" coords="605,88,787,98,788,150,597,139,605,88" href="" alt="" title="" /> <area shape="poly" coords="789,98,852,95,959,59,959,114,887,143,789,151,789,98" href="" alt="" title="" /> </map>\[/code\]