Image for Background....Repeating. Can't stop it. Send Help!


Bienvenido All,<br />
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My thanks for the guidance in posting an image as the background for my Webpage. I managaed to do that.....BUT...In reading the several tutorials I went through. I found nothing to aide me in centering a single prevent it from repeating. ( I'm trying to conjure up a single background of black...with an image on it that takes up approx 80% of the remaining space)<br />
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Phase two of my question comes in regard to ..."delineating an area within the be a click link into the ...Inner.."Meat" of my website." I'm hoping to be able to have visitors click a certain object within the be able to proceed inside. A Lady gave me this image for use on my website, and had it set to do exactly what I Only its attached to HER website, where she stored it to give me an example of how nice a presentation such a thing might be. Shes offline for several weeks, and I'm trying to be industrious, and do the work myself...*s*<br />
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Thanks for any help you can provide.... Your answers keep me reading...and typing, far into the<!--content-->Simple:D<br />
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<STYLE TYPE="text/css"><br />
<br />
<!--<br />
<br />
body {<br />
background-image: url(img.jpg);<br />
background-repeat: no-repeat;<br />
background-position: center;<br />
background-attachment: fixed;<br />
background-color: #FFFFFF;<br />
} <br />
<br />
--><br />
<br />
</STYLE><br />
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insert in HEAD portion. it should work quite properly. modify img.jpg to the name of your image.<!--content-->Well, about part 2, what object do you want the visitor to click to enter?<!--content-->I would like the ..'click link'.... to take the shape of a building that is in the image.<br />
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I wish the link to take visitors to the Main page of the website.<!--content-->I think what you need is an image map.<br />
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<MAP NAME="menu"><br />
<AREA SHAPE="rect" COORDS="0,0,100,100" HREF="choice1.html"><br />
</MAP><br />
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The coordinates are x1, y1, x2, y2<!--content-->Can't use a background image for an image map. Either don't use it as a background image, or overlay it with a transparent gif and use the transparent gif for the image map.<br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->So, where are some good websites that are good tutorial site for image mapping? Anybody?<!--content--><!--content-->I checked the tutorial that was listed above....aaannnnnnnd..... I think I need more study before I can follow their directions...*lol* <br />
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Unfortunately, not all tutorials write their dialogue so the beginner may grasp it on a first read. So...I have some minor clues now to this particular project....but I'm shelving it for a week or so...until my understanding increases by tackling other projects on my web site...<!--content-->imagemaps.... I use a editor to map them for me. Its faster than writitng the code yourself.<!--content-->This one not difficult ;)<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->Through the combined magic of..."view source"<br />
and through reading more tutorials, I was able to center and display the lovely background image as the opening page to my website.<br />
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My thanks to you all that provide help to a "very new" HTML<br />
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Although my questions may at times seem basic and puerile, it is very good to receive 'patient' answers. I thank the people out there that do this for a living, for being helpful to those of us that do this for fun.<br />
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Gracias ----------------- Miguel<!--content-->