GgAcE said:Where is the PSD? This theme comes with a PSD or a blank header. I remember making the edits in the past.
Note: it's tough to make edits to that picture UNLESS you do what drifter did & make larger text. In my opinion thoough, this is unprofessional looking.
If you upload the appropriate PSD or blank header files I can promise you better results.
micky13 said:Can someone edit this image?
Make the main text say "Warez Kingdom" and the slogan "All Your Warez is Here...", but change the font to make it a little like cursive or something? Rather then just straight text. Thanks!
balloobille said:I have a logo made for your
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iiyama said:Couls you give me the blank c_02.jpg. With out txt and something.
regards iiyama
iiyama said:I mean this one. With out txt and cyborg stuff .
The thumbnail is not good voor uload to my site. Thnx already