I'm the M A S T E R man!

Master T

New Member
Hey there, my mate, Hammad told me that this was a decent place, so I thought I would come here. Sorry for bumping one of his old threads, but I beleive an Admin said that his release was trash. Well it works 100% and is actually nulled well.

- T.
Welcome to vBTEAM Master T, I think I may have been the member of staff that trashed one of his releases as it was not nulled very well at all, but hey we all got to start and learn some where...anyway enjoy your stay! :)
Hoxxy said:
Welcome to vBTEAM Master T, I think I may have been the member of staff that trashed one of his releases as it was not nulled very well at all, but hey we all got to start and learn some where...anyway enjoy your stay! :)

Yeah, when he was new on the scene, it was one of his first releases and he left some trackbacks to the vBulletin website. It's just a small mistake, but in his newest releases they have ALL been removed :P