I'm looking to make something like this...<


OK, I am very PHP illiterate, so here it goes.

On this (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.worldogl.com">http://www.worldogl.com</a><!-- m -->) page there's the words that say, "Click Here to Comment" or something like that, and it takes you directly to the forum thread. Well I want that on another website using some kind of PHP mod or something, without having to go in and change the link everytime I want that.

The website I want it on is here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.guts-and-glory.net/index">http://www.guts-and-glory.net/index</a><!-- m -->) . On that site it says 1 comment, but it doesn't take you directly to the forum thread.

Any help is appreciated.ok for one you have th eworng url in the comment.

the reason it doesn't load anything is because that link is non-existant.

if you want to get a link to do what the first site is doing then you have 3 choices.

1) copy the thread url and post it in the blog when you make it.
2) phpnuke should have an option for this in the admin somewhere
3) edit it by hand every time.

making something like this is hard as there is no way to tell what blog goes with what thread. unless it is most recent threads then you might beable to do it easily.