I'm a n00b I have a few questions.


Well I did the tutorial and the "primers" they were awesome. But heres what I don't know. I created a layout for my page in photoshop. This layout includes navigation buttons etc. I think its cool. Now for the not so cool part. I don't know how to put this onto the webpage and make it functional.(#1) I mean what do I save it as? (#2) How do I make my navigation buttons functional? (#3) I also don't understand how to make pictures work in HTML. These are all my questions for now. I numbered them so that it makes it easier for people to answer them. You can just put "#2" your answer blah blah. Thanks for your help!<!--content-->Seems like you did the wrong/outdated tutorials. <br />
Create a file: myfirst.html<br />
Open it in a Notepad.<br />
and start learning how to generate content using HTML. <br />
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Once you figured that out, start thinking how to present it using CSS.<!--content-->before I get to your questions, some general observations:<br />
1) don't create a layout, create content, then lay it out<br />
2) if you create a layout in photoshop, it will be exported in slices, which will use tables, which is incorrect. create your layout by hand or with a wysiwyg other than frontpage<br />
3) note that the html goodies tutorials are very outdated<br />
now for your questions:<br />
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#1) htm or html (there are others, but these are the simplist extensions)<br />
#2) add anchors to them:<br />
<br />
<a href=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"anotherfile.htm"><img src="slice_03.jpg" alt="Alternate text incase image fails to load" /></a><br />
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#3) <img src=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"file.name" alt="Alternate text incase image fails to load" /><br />
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EDIT: Vladdy beat me to it...<!--content-->so then how can I make a cool looking web page? This web page doesn't need to be anything special but I want it to look good and I don't want to use just plain colors. I want to make it look good. The webpage is for Go-Peds call it immature if you want. But I wanted the theme to be a kind of steel "garage" look. I achieved that on photoshop but how else can I do it? Where can I find a good not outdated HTML tutorial?<!--content-->If you really want to make a good looking web page -- its going to take alot of time and effort, like everything.<br />
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You cant expect to just do it. <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.w3schools.com">www.w3schools.com</a><!-- w --> have good tutorials.. Though, i would suggest you buy a book.<br />
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Theres nothing we can say which will make you just click.. Even the most basic web sites take alot of time to write/design/debug, etc.<br />
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Regards,<br />
Andrew Buntine.<!--content-->...OR, you can use the easy way out, pilgrim.<br />
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This is how I do it:<br />
1. In photoshop (5.5 is what I got), design your page. My rule is 720 pixels wide max.<br />
2. Go to "File>Jump to Imageready."<br />
3. Create "slices" from your page design. Remember that a single slice shouldn't be against two others. This will cause all types of html hell to break loose (spacer image nastiness).<br />
4. Save to html in Imageready. Make sure to select the option where images are saved into an "images" folder. Keeps things nice and tidy.<br />
5. Now you've got your basic html work laid out. Just need to re-export images where necessary and remove images where not needed (so you can have cells for content).<br />
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Naturally, you'll find you're own comfort zone on how to develop web pages. This is a basic intro for the "n00b" in you!<!--content-->Originally posted by Heavy <br />
...OR, you can use the easy way out, pilgrim.<br />
<br />
This is how I do it:<br />
1. In photoshop (5.5 is what I got), design your page. My rule is 720 pixels wide max.<br />
2. Go to "File>Jump to Imageready."<br />
3. Create "slices" from your page design. Remember that a single slice shouldn't be against two others. This will cause all types of html hell to break loose (spacer image nastiness).<br />
4. Save to html in Imageready. Make sure to select the option where images are saved into an "images" folder. Keeps things nice and tidy.<br />
5. Now you've got your basic html work laid out. Just need to re-export images where necessary and remove images where not needed (so you can have cells for content).<br />
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Naturally, you'll find you're own comfort zone on how to develop web pages. This is a basic intro for the "n00b" in you! <br />
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And that is how you end up with a mess of a web site:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.vladdy.net/Tests/gostrategic.jpg">http://www.vladdy.net/Tests/gostrategic.jpg</a><!-- m --><br />
:p<!--content-->Time is not the issue here. The issue is how do I make it look like "garage steel" or brushed aluminum when just using HTML? I understand the HTML basics but now I want to make an actual page that has cool graphics and a nice layout. Tell me how to make a nice layout. Do you not understand what I'm asking?<!--content-->You are the one who does not understand the basics of HTML. Layouts are not created with HTML, that is CSS job. Before you get to CSS you neen content, and that is what HTML is for.<br />
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If you want to have a cool picture on the web, save it as jpeg file and configure your server to use it as a home page :rolleyes:<!--content-->Originally posted by Vladdy <br />
And that is how you end up with a mess of a web site:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.vladdy.net/Tests/gostrategic.jpg">http://www.vladdy.net/Tests/gostrategic.jpg</a><!-- m --><br />
:p <br />
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Yeah, I know about that problem. Of course, that site was designed four years ago. Gotta have excuses, right? :rolleyes:<!--content-->Then why suggesting design methods that are four years old???<!--content-->Originally posted by Vladdy <br />
Then why suggesting design methods that are four years old??? <br />
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A n00b's gotta start somewhere, right? Just offering my measely slice of the pie.<!--content-->Its weird how people seem to think designing a web site will just happen<br />
The thread-starter may as well just be saying "I know the basics of gymnastics, but, how do i become really good?"<br />
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Isnt the answer obvious? This will take a time and effort, like every skill in life.<br />
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Regards.<!--content-->so yes where is the place to start to learn HTML the right way?<!--content-->Buy a book... Go to <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.w3schools.com">www.w3schools.com</a><!-- w --><br />
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I have already told you this stuff...<!--content-->Not to argue, but I have to support vdub12 here. this is the HTML forum, this is where one can come to learn the basics and extremes (which are few in number) of HTML. Buntine's suggesting of buying a book might not be too wonderful for this language, since you can easily find tutorials with a google search. this is a great option for languages like c++, for example, that the Internet does not provide as many tutorials on (and since we don't have a C++ forum :)).<br />
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While he can tell him to improve, I think we must tell him how as no one will improve if you say they are bad at something.<br />
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example: if a coach tells you that you won't make the team since you aren't good, chances are you won't know what to fix and you'll never get better; if the coach tells you that you won't make th eteam because and then tells you how to shoot foul shots correctly, your chances dramtically increase!<!--content-->Originally posted by vdub12 <br />
so yes where is the place to start to learn HTML the right way? <br />
It's hard to beat the resources referenced by the W3C. Here's Dave Raggett's intro.<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Guide/">http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Guide/</a><!-- m --><br />
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The thing to keep in mind is there are very few HTML elements that you need to use for content. Learn how to use them right then learn how to make them look like you want them to with CSS.<!--content-->To Steelersfan:<br />
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Practise makes perfect... I dont see what we can say at this point, which will help him/her a great deal. Other than, "Read this tutorial" or "Buy this book".<br />
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