IllusionFXNet - BEWARE


New Member
i recently signed up and it's been almost a week now and no emails about being activated. I tried to contact them both by phone and email. No reply. They took my money! Beware. Does anyone know how to report something like this? I paid through paypal.You can file a dispute with paypal directly...They'll just reply saying "intangible", which it is. Hosting is awful to fight with paypal over :(Makes sense-- althogh I have never been in a dispute with paypal..I've been on the wrong end of the stick - I got screwed out of a license I purchased for software (non delivery) and the guy, on the 9th day, finally responds to the paypal dispute saying "virtual goods - can't touch me"They let him keep my money, and he sends me an email saying "neener neener":(I still love paypal.i even tried to email the person in the WHOIS records for the domain. Is there a way to report companies like this?This is a known issue with Paypal.

One article I found about this:
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I once experienced a time when I ordered a semi dedicated Windows server, and the service I received was horrible. Bad support, tons of downtime, and I eventually asked for my money back. No response. Issued a chargeback with Paypal and got 80% of the money back. Considering I have used the server, I found it to be enough, and I was happy about it.

The problem is, there are virtually no ways to prove you have actually received the goods you have ordered. I suspect that the most secure way to do virtual trades, is like this:

Order webhosting from a company or provider.
They send the password out through postal mail, instead of email.
Letter is received, which is physical proof.

But if he didn't send that letter? Maybe then you can file a chargeback with Paypal because you didn't receive the PHYSICAL goods (The letter with your account password).

To quote the article:

"For one thing, PayPal can't figure out how to handle payments for such virtual goods, so they rely on the good will of the buyers and sellers involved. If a buyer backs out, PayPal has no recourse but to reverse the charge (called a chargeback) or take the loss itself, which it is unwilling to do. This applies to game goods, but it also applies to ANY virtual goods, so if you are planning to sell software or music or video this way, you might have to think a bit harder.

PayPal is not built to reliably support a peer-to-peer economy."

Also worth looking into: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="'ve">'ve</a><!-- m --> been on the wrong end of the stick - I got screwed out of a license I purchased for software (non delivery) and the guy, on the 9th day, finally responds to the paypal dispute saying "virtual goods - can't touch me"They let him keep my money, and he sends me an email saying "neener neener":(I still love paypal.That's just wrong. To bad paypal couldn't make an intelligent decision in your case. =\I use to be with illusionfxnet along time ago. illusionfxnet will not screw you over for your money. This happens every now and then. Go into the illusionfxnet forums and make a post or better yet submit a support ticket. If you didn't do any of the two things above. Why the hell are you making this thread.Remmey,This is Phil from Illusionfxnet, I work mostly in the tech management aspects of the company. However I would like to say I am extremely sorry this has occured. We have been having troubles lately, particularly with our support quality and systems. If your support request has been dropped, ignored, or in some way forgotten please post or PM with a link to the location. If the ticket was on our support desk which is currently down and unavailable, please send me all the information I need to get you back on track, or to send to Evan (Principal Owner) for a refund. Please let me assist you. Our support quality hasn't been great the last week or two due to problems with our helpdesk and some issues with our email.Regards, Phil"virtual goods - can't touch me"

If the person actually wrote this right in, thats pathetic.I have had a similar case 2 months back. I purchased a second hand licence for some product and the seller didnt get back to me. I filed a dispute with Paypal and funds were refunded in 2 days.. I feel myself really lucky for this. Saved me loosing $150 :)

ThanksI am pretty sure that you can get your money back by filing a dispute through paypal. Alot of people just let the case drop and give up. Do not do this, login to your account and/or call them and open a dispute.Paypal contacted me last night. They were able to resolve the issue. I got a refund. Thanks for everyone for their advice/help.I use to be with illusionfxnet along time ago. illusionfxnet will not screw you over for your money. This happens every now and then. Go into the illusionfxnet forums and make a post or better yet submit a support ticket. If you didn't do any of the two things above. Why the hell are you making this thread. 1. I tried to post a support ticket. If you go to their site you will see that thie contact page is down. And since i am not even a customer yet even though i paid ( i never got an email with any login/access info ) i cannot log a support ticket or at least i never found a place to do it. 2. i tried to go to their live chat..the page crashes. 3. i tried to email them directly..both using the email from the paypal email i got from them and also from any emails that i could find on their website 4. I called their 800 number. There was a voicemail. I left a message.Remmey,

I tried to post a support ticket. If you go to their site you will see that thie contact page is down. And since i am not even a customer yet even though i paid ( i never got an email with any login/access info ) i cannot log a support ticket or at least i never found a place to do it.

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i tried to go to their live chat..the page crashes.
I will see to it that, livechat is fixed.

i tried to email them directly..both using the email from the paypal email i got from them and also from any emails that i could find on their website
We never recieved any emails. While we did have a brief outage with email not being recieved, eventually it was corrected and all messages were delivered.

I called their 800 number. There was a voicemail. I left a message.
I can't comment on why you were not called back, as Evan handles all incoming phone calls.

Paypal contacted me last night. They were able to resolve the issue. I got a refund. Thanks for everyone for their advice/help.
Had you simply contacted me after I replied everything could have been sorted out. I am sorry that this had to go far.

Regards, Phil