IIS6 Classic ASP access UNC share in DMZ [closed]


New Member
I have 2 win2k3 servers in a DMZ, with no domain. Server A hosts a classic ASP site, and needs to save some files on a share on Server B.A user account (testshare) has been created on both Server A and Server B, with the same username / password.A Virtual Directory has been created in IIS on Server A. It has been assigned the "testshare" account as the user within the "Directory Security > Authentication and access control" tab of IIS, and integrated windows security has been unchecked. An Application Pool has been created and assigned to this Virtual Directory, and the "testshare" account has been configured as the application pool identity.Server B has a share created (\ServerB\Share001), and has "Everyone" permissions set on the share, and on the NTFS file permissions for the share.When I am logged onto Server A, I can type "\ServerB\Share001\" in windows explorer, and view the share.When I attempt to access the share from an ASP script within the Virtual Directory on Server A, I receive a "Path not found" error.When I look in the Event Log of server B to trace the error, I find:\[quote\] Logon Failure:
Reason: Unknown user name or bad password
Domain: SERVERA\[/quote\]I would expect that the user name would be "testshare", rather than "IUSR_SERVERA".I would also expect the share to work, regardless of the user account accessing it, as it has "Everyone" permissions set.Can anyone provide some pointers to debug this?Thank youJackeditI originally assigned just the "testshare" account permissions on the share. When this did not work, I assigned the "everyone" permissions. I do not want the "everyone" permissions set, I have just enabled that to see if it was permissions related to that account. As the "everyone" permissions are set, it looks like something else I'm unable to diagnose.