Ignore previous one: How: Populate table of URLs from an XML


New Member
This is a corrected posting. Please ignore my previous posting.I just started XML. I searched for help for this problem but could not findone specific to this.This is the problem.I have a an XML file with a list of URLs.I could take that data and paint a simple HTML table using XSLT.The problem occurs when I want the each URL to be present inside a quoteas a value for the HREF attribute to form an HTML anchor.In other words how do I put URL part from XML using XSLT in the constructbelow:<A HREF=http://forums.devx.com/archive/index.php/"URL"> hello </A>I know, the syntax isn't correct if I replace the URL part with <xsl: value-ofselect="url">.Then how do I "put" a value there?Hope some one knows a way out.Thanks,Aaron