iframes with percentage problem


I was using iframes and had a problem with the height attribuite resizing to 100% when I put the: height="100%". I am using this in tables, so does the table have to be set to 100% as well, I tried this but still had the same problem.<br />
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Has anyone else had a similiar problem?<br />
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<iframe src=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/".." name=".." width="100%" height="100% ..></iframe><br />
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thanks for your time<!--content-->This is an ie bug, I believe it works in other browsers. You will need to specify a pixil value or use some css<br />
Why dont you test this<br />
<iframe src=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"" name="" style="height:100%;width:100%;position:absolute;"></iframe><br />
This might open up a ie and how it seems to handle css + 100% and objects. That combination just does not get along I am alsways fighting with it when I am using images and yes iframes too, but I am usually battleing the width over stretching etc :)<!--content-->okay, I have my mainpage in frame 2cols 2rows. now I have a link in the leftdown window which opens lets say ship.html in the rightdown window (Target="hauptfenster")<br />
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In ship.html I used some iframes and links which are on ship.html and open in the iframe in ship.html. If I open ship.html in a new window (just typing in) the iframe works (incl. all the links) but if I open it over the link in the "hauptfenster" the links don't work. <br />
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Can someone give me a tip how to make it work or what I can use instead of the iframe which has to have the same effect?<br />
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here the site for having a look (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.geocities.com/perifee2/omega/frame.html">http://www.geocities.com/perifee2/omega/frame.html</a><!-- m -->) <br />
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the html is under "schiffsklassen" left upper window and then "andere Streitkraefte" and then "Cardassianer" or "Breen"<br />
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mfg<br />
Tedra<!--content-->Instead of an iframe you can use<br />
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<div style="overflow:auto; width:100px; height:100px;">Content here</div><br />
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This will just make a scrolling window basically. You can also use 'overflow:scroll;' but that will create a horizontal scroll bar too whereas auto just makes a vertical one and only has them appear when needed. A div like this will keep all of your content on one page instead of having to make a separate html file for an iframe. I did not exactly know what the problem you are having is and I do not know how it relates to this thread. But an alternative to haveing an iframe if that is all you are interested in is the scroll bar is a div. If you want external content use ssi.<!--content-->