iframes, parentless & PDFs


Hi guys<br />
I'm in need of some help here, its all very simpel i'm sure, but i cant for the life of me figure this out:<br />
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How do you make your pages stay inside an iframe?<br />
Can I use a JS for a "normal" frameset to do this? In other words can I treat the iframe as if it was a frameset? I cant seem to make this work?<br />
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When I search my site in ex Google all my pages comes up parentless !!....thats just no good, but I dont know what to do about it???<br />
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Also would you consider using a lot of PDFs on your site if Google is the only one searching the content of them??<br />
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Thanks<!--content-->I wouldn't consider using a lot of PDFs on a site because not everyone has adobe acrobat (even if it is free) and it could be an issue for disabled persons. There is no real need for it unless you are using it for something that CANT be done with HTML (I often see maps done in PDF form or even charts and statistics) Since google and other search engines can't read frames, devices for disabled people have issues with frames, and since it creates issues with other browsers and are hence inaccessible, I wouldn't use frames either. Even Iframes. There is no need for them really. If you want a quick to update, uniform site, you can use CSS and Server Side Includes.<!--content-->Thanks for the reply...<br />
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You're right about the PDFs.....it seemed like a good idea when I made the site since my employer looooves PDFs....but now I'm not so sure....<br />
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I'll have to talk to them about the issues u put up there,good observations..<br />
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Thank U<!--content-->