IFrames and the Back button


Hi.<br />
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Have been working on the latest revision of my site (not online yet) and have found a nasty problem with my iframes.<br />
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My page consists of 3 frames, top frame for logo and navigation, a right frame for a sidebar and the main frame for which has back ground graphics and hosts the iframe for the news page and the subpages. The link buttons from the top frame target the 'News' iframe in the main frame and works fine and dandy, clicking on all the options works fine. Problem comes when hitting back in the browser which dumps the previous page that was in the iframe to the main frame instead of the news Iframe which screws the layout up completely.<br />
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Is there anyway of getting the previous page to load when back is clicked to the iframe not the main frame.<br />
(hope you can decipher this) Cheers in Advance :)<!--content--><FORM><br />
<INPUT TYPE="Button" VALUE="Back"<br />
onClick="history.go(-1)"><br />
</FORM><br />
<br />
Place the above code in the frame documents.<!--content-->you can't control that. especially wwith frames<!--content-->Originally posted by scoutt <br />
you can't control that. especially wwith frames <br />
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Thats what i thought :(<br />
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thanks for the replies.<!--content-->