[IFRAME] upper and lower table (height = 2 pix) disappear


i have this page which works with a table, the upper cell is used for a logo, second one for a menu, third one for an iframe and the fourth one for some textline. these are all divided by small lines.<br />
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when i load a page in the iframe it comes up nicely, thepage contains a table with three cells. the upper one has a line, the second one is for content and the last one is for a line again. all those lines are 2 pix high. now without content it's showing those lines perfectly, but when there's too much content (ie... scrollbars appear) the lines above and on the bottum of the page disappear, while they are a part of the page loaded in the iframe. what is happening here?<!--content-->it's hard to tell without looking at the page &or code, could you leave a link/url to the mentioned page... jaeman<!--content-->yeah, sorry.. forgot to paste it.<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://home.wanadoo.nl/rnas/temp/trs/">http://home.wanadoo.nl/rnas/temp/trs/</a><!-- m --><br />
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this is where the page is, if you add an image for example below the bigger robocup logo the line above the large textpart and below the small robocup official logo disppear.<!--content-->try changing the cellpadding &or width/height in your tables, or if you wanted to go further you could use a frameset so each part has a set height/width, i hope this helps it's late... jaeman}:-)<br />
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PS: just a note, when veiwing the site in 800x600 it is a little bigger than the screen, when setting a site up you always make it a little less than the screen resolution, this allows for the browsers toolbar/scrollbar & looks so much better without those unwanted scrollbars... jaeman;)<!--content-->that doens't really help, it should just show the lines and not make them disappear. height and width is set at 100%, when i don't specify the height the lines STAY, but then the the bottom line doens't show up correctly (10 pix from the other bottom line)<br />
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and as for viewing.. it's viewing perfectly in 800*600 here... can't tell what's wrong.... are the fonts showing up BIG? If so, that should/could be your system because I specified a small font size in the CSS.<!--content-->Sorry i couldn't be of more help to you, someone will come along soon... jaeman:rolleyes:<!--content-->well I don't have anything dissappear, except the iframe itself. in mozilla it looks perfect, but IE6 it makes the iframe 2 pixels high.<br />
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also you do not have a doctype for you page. add this<br />
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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><br />
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to the very top of your page, above <html> without tha tit is running in bug mode.<br />
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also this is invalid<br />
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<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"trsstyle.css"/><br />
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you must have a space at the end before the /><!--content-->thanks anyway jaeman!<br />
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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><br />
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haven't added that, because the page aint final yet, i guess i should just add it frmo the start then eh? what about that space thing? never done it, and it always works my way.<!--content-->Strifer try this. This might help. Try adding this in your table. At the end of the code type in SCROLLING=NO this should eliminate the scolling. There are three settings you can have for scrolling 1)auto which is the default, 2) yes and 3)no. Well I hope this helps let us know if it does.<!--content-->you mean in the iframe in stead of the table, right?<br />
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well... if I do that I would eliminate others' pages ability to scroll down and watch the content, the intro page is small, but others will contain more text and thus requires scrolling of the iframe... <br />
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:confused: :confused:<!--content-->man you have so much wrong with it.<br />
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in the first table cell add this height="10%"<br />
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that will fix IE's problem. also the logo you load at the very top is waaaaay to big. you have it as 680x316 and then make it smaller. that will decrease the loading time for modem users by 80%.<br />
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then in your main.html page you load "robocuplogo.gif" which is actually a jpg with a wrong extension. that is why it disappears. also Strifer, you need to start quoting things. it will mess up more if you do not put quotes around your attributes.<br />
also there is no such thing as a:unknown{}<br />
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what about that space thing? never done it, and it always works my way.<br />
no it has never worked. it just seems to. you need a space or it will never be valid and work like it is suppose to. besides unless you are using XHTML you don't need it. 4.01 transitional will error out on it as it thinks you just closed the head section when you actually didn't. and adding a doctype isn't for when the page is done, you start out with it. it is a must.<br />
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tg73 that will not work. you can't just add scrolling=no to anything. the scrolling is not the problem.<!--content-->hmm... which table cell do you mean? the first one of the page i load in the iframe (main.html) or the first one of the intro page (index.html)?<br />
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problem then is the 10%... i want it to be a fixed height and not a procentual height.<br />
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about the big logo, it's a PNG file and it's really small, only about 20-25kb... it's even smaller then most of the pics used. Only weird thing is that it should be transparant and have a white background, but on some systems it becomes gray, mostly on wintel boxes as -most- of their screens are set waaaaaay darker than originals. any suggestion on how to resize that pic then? it's really not that big, or does it load big and then resize to fit the page, which users can see?<br />
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i just added the doctypes to all of my files, just to be sure. same thing with the stylesheet thing, added that space. better to be safe :-)<br />
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what about the a:uknown thing and those atributes? i don't get you there... sometimes i hate notbeing english, i don't understand everything you're saying.<br />
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thanks for the great help, made some good improvements here.<br />
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Strifer<br />
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p.s. another thing has come up... in the iframe - the main.html has blue lines which are not as wide as the original, allthough i specified it with width 100% (tables and iframe). I added a spacer of 500 pixels wide in it, but it doens't seem to correct it, if i remove it they become a lot shorter. will it only work when it's ful with content?<!--content-->well... i've updated a few things in the page and i found out that I don't need to close tht css with space/>, but with space>.. at least that doens't give me any errors.<br />
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the line problem should be fixed now and all the cyan (blueish) lines should go completely across the whole page from left to right (verify please?) and the text should be showing up correctly without a scrollbar in the iframe. however, if you resize the window to make it LESS high a scrollbar DOES appear which seems to be working quite allright with the cyan lines nicely on top and at the bottom of the scrolbar.<br />
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take a look:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://home.wanadoo.nl/rnas/temp/trs/">http://home.wanadoo.nl/rnas/temp/trs/</a><!-- m --><br />
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ps. what's with the type attribute in the javascript? what should i put there?<!--content-->then make the first cell a fixed height. I just thought of 10% and it worked. you can have it anyway you like. and yes it is the very first cell after the table tag.<br />
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type in javascript is this<br />
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<script type="text/javascript"><br />
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IE will not do a transparent png. you will need to make it a gif.<br />
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yes it is loading big then resized in the page. just make the image the size you want and keep the size in the page. you are loading it correctly now.<!--content-->I have it set to a fixed width, i guess it's working now. I replaced the png file with another resized .jpg file and it should be working nicely now.<br />
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I've lso fixed the javascript thin, now that i see it it seems familiar. <br />
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thanks for all the help!<!--content-->