Iframe size based on resolution

I'm stuck.<br />
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I want an iframe on my page to resize depending on screen resolution, but I have no idea how to accomplish that. I would imagine it would take some kind of javascript, but I don't know enough about it to write my own.<br />
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Any suggestions?<!--content-->Use a % sized div instead.<!--content-->Actually I just cleared all the DIVs out of my page, and even when I had them, it didn't quite work.<!--content-->How about maybe inserting a bit off CSS into the tags. I don't know if this would work but try this.<br />
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<iframe style="width: 70%;"></iframe><br />
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Best Wishes, <br />
David<!--content-->I've tried that as well, and I've got the height doing what I want, but the iframe doesn't seem to be getting along with any form of height tag that I put in the CSS. Setting it to 100% makes it disappear entirely in IE.<br />
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Unless I specify an exact height in the HTML itself (by using height="whatever" in the iframe tag), it defaults to 100. I've tried using a javascript function to call it up (using height="fh()" and javascript elsewhere on the page), but I haven't been able to get that to work either. I'm stuck.<!--content-->What about <br />
<div style="width: 70%;"> text text </div> <br />
Would that help?<br />
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Best Wishes, <br />