iframe replacement in Mozilla


I have a webpage that is basically a 2x2 table. I would like to use cell b2 as a target frame for all the navigation links on the site. I thought an iframe was a good solution but it turns out that mozilla puts iframes at the top of a page regardless of where you put it in the html. So I was curious if there was another way of accomplishing the same thing that worked in all browsers.<br />
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other solutions I thought of and discarded so far are: just making new pages with the whole table and each new item in cell b2. This is because I have photo gallerys and 100's of pictures would each have to have their own html doc. I also was thinking of just using regular frames but unfortanately I need the whole web site to scroll together.<br />
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thanks in advance for any help.<!--content-->"mozilla puts iframes at the top of a page regardless of where you put it in the html"<br />
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Which version? My site uses an iFrame, and Mozilla 1.2 and 1.3 places it in the middle of the page, right where I want it.<br />
If it makes any difference, my site uses DIVs for layout.<!--content-->hmm I was using phoenix 0.5 which I believe translates to Mozilla 1.3. I was not using <div> tags. I actually never heard of <div> or iframes until this afternoon so I will look into it some more. But I will say that simply throwing a <div></div> around the iframe does not fix it. If you are refering the site in your sig I will look at it and compare. Thanks<!--content-->[edit]Yeah; the site in my sig is the one with the iFrame. Feel free to check out the source code.<br />
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This (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://glish.com/css/">http://glish.com/css/</a><!-- m -->) site (this one isn't mine) might be helpful too.<!--content-->thanks again, after seeing your site I am starting to see how <div> tags can be useful which when I first saw them I didn't get. I don't have time at the moment to see if it fixes my iframe problem but it is a good learning experience nonetheless.<!--content-->